FSV Münster e.V. (Women and girls self-defense and sport)
We have been offering women and girls a safe space since 1982. Here, women can learn self-defense techniques to better assert themselves in life. We also offer other sports - from martial arts to hiking. No pressure to perform, lots of fun!
Who we advise
Women and girls
Our target groups are:
Girls (up to 13 years) and female adolescents (from 14 years), young women (16-21 years) and women* from 18 years who are victims of domestic violence or have experienced violence, relatives, friends and professionals.
We are an independent organization/own association.
Membership in the network:
Working group 'Against violence against women and girls'.
What we advise on
We focus on the topics of physical violence, self-assertion, self-defense and also offer courses.
Languages, accessibility and costs
Advice in other languages/support through interpreting is possible in Polish.
We have wheelchair access.
We offer group services. You can use our services for a proportionate share of the costs.
Contact us
You can reach us in person during (open) office hours, by telephone and by e-mail
Opening hours:
Mondays 10:30-15:30,
otherwise by e-mail
Our postal address is:
FSV Münster e.V. (Frauen und Mädchen Selbstverteidigung und Sport)
Achtermannstraße 10-12
48143 Münster
Telephone: 0251 - 51 90 66
Further information can be found on our homepage: