Find the right facility for your needs

Accommodation and care of refugees of the City of Münster - Social Welfare Office
At the Social Welfare Office, we take care of the accommodation of refugees and provide them with support and advice while they are living in Münster. We also help people or entire families who are emotionally distressed, have experienced or are currently experiencing violence. We then put them in touch with contact persons and provide information about facilities they can turn to.

Caritas Münster - crisis and violence counseling for men and boys (Caritas Münster - Krisen- und Gewaltberatung für Männer und Jungen)
We do not leave men and young men who are in a personal crisis to deal with their situation alone. This includes our "Real men talk" program. Here we advise men and male adolescents who use violence within their family or in their social environment or who experience violence themselves. Anyone who is afraid of becoming violent can also take preventative action in good time and contact us.

Chance e.V. - Offender counseling
We offer work with offenders to help people stop their violent behavior towards other people. Chance e.V.'s support is designed for people with and without a prison background. This means that we work with people who contact us themselves and with people who are referred to us by institutions. After an individual interview, we also clarify the framework conditions for group training. Among other things, this involves developing positive perspectives.

Chance e.V. - Victim counseling
Chance e.V. is a specialist counseling center that advises and supports victims of violent crimes from Münster and the Münsterland region. In addition to confidential counseling, our services also include psychosocial trial support in accordance with § 406 g StGB. This means that in the district court of Münster, we are allowed to accompany victims during questioning and during the main hearing of criminal proceedings. This service is free of charge.

Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster (Klinik für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe des St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster)
In addition to the obstetrics department, we also have a large gynecology department at our women's clinic. Among other things, we advise and treat women whose genitals have been violently injured. Women who have health problems following genital mutilation can therefore also come to us. We take care of the medical therapy in our clinic.

Counseling center for the women's shelter (Frauenhausberatungsstelle)
Domestic violence against women is all too often a taboo subject. Our services are therefore aimed at women* who experience physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence at home or are affected by stalking. We provide advice and information about legal options and accompany you to court and the police. We provide support in stressful situations and help to find a safe place in a women's shelter. We respect the individual wishes of every woman*. Our advice is free of charge and strictly confidential.

Counseling center for women - emergency calls (Beratungsstelle Frauen-Notruf Münster e.V. )
Some people are willing and able to react immediately after experiencing sexualized violence. For others, it takes a long time before they even dare to talk about it. At the Frauen-Notruf, it doesn't matter how long ago an experience occurred: as soon as there is a need to talk or seek advice, women and girls aged 14 and over can come to us anonymously and free of charge for professional advice on all forms of sexualized violence.

Counseling center Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. (Beratungsstelle Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. )
No matter how difficult your personal situation is, it helps to seek help. Our advice center is staffed by professionals who women and girls aged 16 and over can turn to if they are in a difficult situation. Relatives or friends who are worried about women or girls can also turn to us.

Counselling and Therapy Centre for Women (Beratung und Therapie für Frauen e.V.)
The advice center offers psycho-social and therapeutic support for women - regardless of their age, sexual orientation, cultural or religious background. The women seeking advice come with various concerns and problems, including physical, psychological and sexualized experiences of violence or stalking. We provide advice in accordance with the Violence Protection Act and support the women in developing suitable solutions for them.

donum vitae Münster e.V.
Donum vitae is a pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counseling center. We can provide you with proof of counseling and other important information on abortion. We offer advice and support in crises and refer those affected to appropriate services.

FSV Münster e.V. (Women and girls self-defense and sport)
We have been offering women and girls a safe space since 1982. Here, women can learn self-defense techniques to better assert themselves in life. We also offer other sports - from martial arts to hiking. No pressure to perform, lots of fun!

Institute of Forensic Medicine at Münster University Hospital, Outpatient Clinic for Victims of Violence (Institut für Rechtsmedizin des Universitätsklinikums Münster, Gewaltopferambulanz)
Physical violence leaves traces. They can be recorded before they fade. We provide fast, confidential and unbureaucratic help in our outpatient clinic. Specially trained doctors carry out physical examinations of victims of violence, document their injuries and secure the evidence. The findings of our doctors can be used as evidence in court and can be of great help.

Mia girls' house (Mädchenhaus Mia )
In our girls' home, we help girls aged 12 and over to develop into independent, responsible and decisive personalities. This means that we take them into our care, offer them a place in a residential group and help them to take control of their lives (again). At Mia, we offer them flexible and individualized short-term relief and long-term prospects for their lives.

pro familia Münster
pro familia is committed to ensuring that all people can live their sexuality in a self-determined way. However, when sexual experiences are accompanied by violence, this self-determination is violated. As the German Association for Family Planning, Sex Education and Sexual Counselling, we help young people and adults in such situations with professional and confidential counselling and group services. pro familia is a Germany-wide network of counselling centres and a recognized pregnancy conflict counselling centre.

Project Marischa
Project Marischa advises people in the sexual service industry on their individual concerns, accompanies them to authorities or medical facilities and provides support in acute emergency situations. The services we offer are wide-ranging, as our target groups and their motivations are very different: Some are in sex work voluntarily, while others are forced and therefore find themselves in forced prostitution. Regardless of the background, we provide support in an appreciative, confidential and impartial manner and work to combat discrimination and stigmatization and to improve working and living conditions.

Refugio Münster (Psychosocial refugee aid)
Many refugees are emotionally distressed because they have experienced violence in their home country, while fleeing or here in Germany. Refugio helps them with questions about the right of residence or social law, offers psychosocial counseling and therapy, provides group services and arranges therapy places - even for refugees without health insurance. Refugio also draws up statements, for example for asylum procedures or for expert opinions on traces of torture.

Specialist counseling center for domestic violence and stalking SkF e.V. Münster (Fachberatungsstelle bei häuslicher Gewalt und Stalking SkF e.V. Münster)
Anyone who no longer wants to remain silent about domestic violence or stalking will find concrete support at our specialist advice center. It is open to all victims, relatives, friends and other witnesses of violence and stalking. Among other things, we advise on §34a of the NRW Police Act. With the help of this law, the police can expel people who endanger others from the home or the immediate vicinity of the person at risk.

Specialist department for assistance for people with disabilities/Representative for people with disabilities (Fachstelle Hilfen für Menschen mit Behinderung/Beauftragte für Menschen mit Behinderung)
From verbal abuse to physical assault, people with disabilities experience many forms of violence. In such situations, as a municipal specialist unit, we will inform you about all the facilities and advice centers that offer targeted help. In addition, we are always available if relatives or caregivers are concerned about or wish to complain about the treatment of people with disabilities.

Victim-offender mediation in the ViP (Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich im ViP)
Every act of violence has causes and backgrounds. Learning more about them does not excuse the crime. However, discussions between victims and the accused can help to process experiences, settle existing conflicts and prevent repeat offenses. This requires impartial third parties. In victim-offender mediation at ViP (Verein sozial-integrativer Projekte e.V.), mediators are committed to conflict resolution and reparation outside the courtroom.

WEISSER RING e.V. (violence counseling)
Crimes have different effects on those affected, but often last for a long time. Crime leaves behind physical and emotional wounds, unanswered questions and all too often financial hardship. As an aid organization, WEISSER RING helps victims of crime and their relatives to find the right support. One aim is to help people cope with the consequences of a crime in the long term - among other things with human support, help in communicating with the authorities and bridging crime-related financial hardship.

Women's and child protection centers - Social Service of Catholic Women e.V. (Frauen- und Kinderschutzhäuser Sozialdienst kath. Frauen e.V.)
In our shelters, we take in any woman threatened or affected by any form of violence and her children around the clock - including sons up to the age of 18. If women so wish, we help them to deal with their individual situation, from dealing with the authorities to raising their children.

Women's shelter Münster (Frauenhaus Münster )
The women's shelter in Münster offers women* and their children affected by violence protection, accommodation, support, advice and guidance. The women's shelter enables women* and children to lead independent and self-determined lives in an environment free of violence, while accepting individual and cultural values. Women*, children and young people should be given space to process and classify what they have experienced, free from social stereotypes and condemnations. Our work is always based on a partisan approach, the principle of "helping people to help themselves" and empowerment.

Zartbitter Münster e.V. (Counseling center against sexualized violence)
Zartbitter advises people aged 14 and over who have experienced or are still experiencing sexualized violence. We advise people with and without disabilities. Our services are aimed at young people aged 14 and over and adults, their relatives, caregivers and professionals. We offer counseling, groups, prevention and training. On request, we support those affected up to the age of 27 during court proceedings. People with hearing impairments can be advised in German sign language.